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eBook of 70+ Business Ideas in Trucking

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Have you ever wondered how you can be a part of the trucking industry without driving a truck and make money in this multi-billion dollar industry?! I know the market is in an interesting place right now but I have a solution.

You don't need to get a CDL and jump behind the wheel. Not only do you have other options, but you have options that you can stack if you choose to have multiple streams of income. In this eBook I've given you over 70 business ideas with my own commentary of suggestions to get your creative wheels spinning.

If you're considering starting a business in the trucking industry, adding to your current business, or switching gears in this direction, this is a great little eBook for you to get some ideas and tips from my experience in me and my husband's trucking business endeavors.

It's short, to the point and very thorough! I uploaded a few pages for you to see inside before you buy.

Happy trucking😎
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